Fitter Theory Syllabus in English
1st Semester
- Trade introduction and safety precautions
- Measurement and measuring instruments
- Common hand tools
- Marking and marking tools
- Properties of metals
- Drilling machine
- Forging, Heat treatment
- Sheet metal work, Solder.
2th Semester
- Welding, Drill, Reaming
- Screw threads, Grinding
- Interchangeability
- Metals, Scraping
- Precision measuring instruments
- Plant maintenance
- Assembly and related techniques.
3th Semester
- Lath, Fasteners, Files
- Gauge and template
- Surface finishing, Bearing.
4th Semester
- Case hardening
- Soldering and Brazing
- Jigs and Fixture
- Pipe Fitting, Fire
- Conservation of the finished surface
- Non-Ferrous metals
- Elements power transmission
- lubrication and cooling
- Industrial engineering
- Installation overhauling and maintenance of machines
- Installation and foundation of devices.
हमें उम्मीद है कि हमारे द्वारा प्रदान की गई जानकारी पूर्णता हां सही है। अगर इस से रिलेटेड आपका कोई भी प्रश्न हो, तो हमें कमेंट के माध्यम से जरूर बताएं। हम इसे हल करने की पूर्णता कोशिश करेंगे। - धन्यवाद
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Thanks for reading: फिटर थ्योरी (FITTER THEORY) New Syllabus 2021, Sorry, my English is bad:)