हेलों दोस्तों, स्वागत है आप सबका हमारे ब्लॉग UP ITI Budaun में। आज हम वर्कशॉप कैलकुलेशन एंड साइंस का नये सिलेबस को लेकर चर्चा करेंगे। अगर आप अब भी कंफ्यूज हैं, कि वर्कशॉप कैलकुलेशन में कौन-सा SYLLABUS है। तो आप इस पोस्ट को पूरा पढ़ें।
UNIT I Unit, Fractions
- Classification of Unit System
- Fundamental and Derived Units F.P.S, C.G.S, M.K.S and SI Units
- Measurement Units and Conversion
- Factors, HCF, LCM and Problems
- Fractions - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Decimal Fractions - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Solving Problems by using calculator
UNIT II Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage
- Square and Square Root
- Simple problems using calculator
- Application of Pythagoras Theorem and related problems
- Ratio and Proportions
- Direct and Indirect proportion
- Percentage
- Changing percentage to decimal
UNIT III Material Science
- Types of metals
- Physical and Mechanical Properties of metals
- Types of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
- Introduction of iron and cast iron
- Difference between iron and steel, alloy steel and carbon steel
- Properties and uses of rubber, timber and insulating materials
UNIT IV Mass, Weight, Volume, and Density
- Mass, volume, density, weight & specific gravity
- Related problems for mass, volume, density, weight & specific gravity
UNIT V Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy
- Rest, motion, speed, velocity, difference between speed and velocity, acceleration and retardation
- Related problems on speed and velocity
- Potential energy, Kinetic Energy and related problems with related problems
- Work, power, energy, HP, IHP, BHP and efficiency
UNIT VI Heat & Temperature and Pressure
- Concept of heat and temperature, effects of heat, difference between heat and temperature
- Scales of temperature, Celsius, Fahenhiet, Kelvin and Conversion between scales of temperature
- Temperature measuring instruments, types of thermometer, pyrometer and transmission of heat - Conduction, convection and radiation
- Co-efficient of linear expansion and related problems with assignments
- Problem of Heat loss and heat gain with assignments
- Thermal conductivity and insulators
- Boiling point and melting point of different metals and Non metals
- Concept of pressure and its units in different system
UNIT VII Basic Electricity
- Introduction and uses of electricity, molecule, atom, how electricity is produced, electric current AC, DC and their comparison, voltage , resistance and their units
- Conductor, Insulator, types of connections- Series and Parallel, Ohm's Law, relation between VIR & related problems
- Electrical power, energy and their units, calculation with assignments
- Magnetic induction, self and mutual inductance and EMF generation
- Electrical Power, HP, Energy and units of electrical energy
UNIT VIII Mensuration
- Area and perimeter of square, rectangle and parallelogram
- Area and Perimeter of Triangle
- Area and Perimeter of Circle, Semi-circle , circular ring, sector of circle, hexagon and ellipse
- Surface area and Volume of solids- cube, cuboids, cylinder, sphere and hollow cylinder
- Finding lateral surface area , total surface area and capacity in liters of hexagonal, conical and cylindrical shaped vessels
UNIT IX Levers and Simple Machines
- Simple machines, Effort and load, mechanical advantage, velocity ratio, efficiency of machine, relation between efficiency, velocity ratio and mechanical advantage
- Lever and its types
UNIT X Trigonometry
- Measurement of Angle, Trigonometrical Ratios, Trigonometric Table
- Trigonometry-Application in calculating height and distance (Simple Applications)
UNIT I Friction
- Advantages and disadvantages, Laws of friction, co- efficient of friction, angle of friction, simple problems related to friction
- Friction - Lubrication
- Co- efficient of friction, application and effects of friction in workshop practice
UNIT II Centre of Gravity
- Centre of gravity and its practical application
UNIT III Area of cut — out regular stirfate and area of irregular surfaces
- Area of cut -- out regular surfaces - circle, segment and sector of circle
- Related problems of area of cut - out regular surfaces - circle, segment and sector of circle 3. Area of irregular surfaces and application related to shop problems
UNIT IV Algebra
- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Divisions
- Algebra - Theory of indices, Algebraic formula, related problems
UNIT V Elasticity
- Elastic, plastic materials, stress, strain and their units and young's modulus
- Ultimate stress and working stress
UNIT VI Heat Treatment
- Heat treatment and advantages
- Different heat treatment process - Hardening, Tempering, Annealing, Normalising, Case Hardening
UNIT VII Profit and Loss
- Simple problems on profit & loss
- Simple and compound interest
UNIT VIII Estimation and Costing
- Simple estimation of the requirement of material etc., as applicable to the trade
- Problems on estimation and costing
वर्कशॉप कैलकुलेशन एण्ड साइंस (WORKSHOP CAL. AND SCIENCE) विषय-सूची (Chapters) हिंदी में।
- इकाइयाँ
- ल.स. एवं म.स.
- भिन्न
- वर्गमूल
- अनुपात एवं समानुपात
- प्रतिशतता
- पदार्थ विज्ञान
- द्रव्यमान, भार एवं घनत्व
- चाल एवं वेग
- कार्य, शक्ति एवं ऊर्जा
- ऊष्मा एवं तापमान
- दाब
- प्रारंभिक विद्युत
- क्षेत्रमिति
- उत्तोलक एवं सरल मशीनें
- त्रिकोणमिति
- घर्षण
- गुरुत्व केंद्र
- क्षेत्रमिति-॥
- बीजगणित प्रत्यास्थता
- ऊष्मा उपचार
- लाभ एवं हानि
- साधारण एवं चक्रव्रध्दि ब्याज
- पूर्वांकलन एवं लागत
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Thanks for reading: वर्कशॉप कैलकुलेशन एण्ड साइंस (WORKSHOP CAL. AND SCIENCE) NEW SYLLABUS 2021, Sorry, my English is bad:)