आईटीआई विद्यार्थी के लिए इंजीनियरिंग ड्राइंग एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण विषय है। इस विषय में हम प्रकार की इंजीनियरिंग ड्रॉइंग बनाना सीखते हैं। इसमें हमें लाइंस और भी तरह की एंगल, ट्रायंगल, मोटर, जनरेटर और अल्टरनेटर आदि के बारे में सीखने को मिलता है।
1. Engineering Drawing: Introduction
- Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Instruments
- Conventions
- Viewing of engineering drawing sheets.
- Method of Folding of printed Drawing Sheet as per BIS SP : 46-2003
2. Drawing Instruments : their Standard and uses
- Drawing board, T-Square, Drafter (Drafting M/C), Set Squares, Protractor, Drawing, Instrument Box (Compass, Dividers, Scale, Diagonal Scales etc.) Pencils of different Grades, Drawing pins/Clips
3. Freehand drawing of
- Lines, polygons, ellipse, etc.
- Geometrical figures and blocks with dimension
- Transferring measurement from the given object to the free hand sketches.
- Solids objects - Cube, Cuboids, Cone, Prism, Pyramid, Frustum of Cone with dimensions
- Free hand drawing of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools, Simple Fasteners (Nut, Bolts, Rivets etc.) trade related sketches.
4. Lines
- Definition, types and applications in Drawing as per BIS SP : 46-2003
- Classification of lines (Hidden, Centre, Construction, Extension, Dimension, Section)
- Drawing lines of given length (Straight, Curved)
- Drawing of parallel lines, perpendicular line
- Methods of Division of line segment
5. Drawing of Geometrical Figures
- Definition, nomenclature and practice of-
- Angle: Measurement and its types, method of bisecting.
- Triangle -different types
- Rectangle, Square, Rhombus, Parallelogram.
- Circle and its elements.
- Different Polygon and their values of Included Angle. Inscribed and Circumscribed Polygons.
6. Lettering and Numbering
- Single Stroke, Double Stroke, inclined.
7. Dimensioning and Its Practice
- Definition, types and methods of dimensioning (functional, non-functional and auxiliary)
- Position of dimensioning (unidirectional, aligned)
- Types of arrowhead
- Leader Line with text
- Symbols preceding the value of dimension and dimensional tolerance.
8. Sizes and Layout of Drawing Sheets
- Selection of sizes
- Title Block, its position and content
- Item Reference on Drawing Sheet
9. Method of Presentation of Engineering Drawing
- Pictorial View
- Orthographic View
- Isometric view
10. Symbolic Representation - Different Symbols used in the Trades
- Fastener (Rivets, Bolts and Nuts)
- Bars and profile sections
- Weld, brazed and soldered joints.
- Electrical and electronics element
- Piping joints and fittings
11. Projections
- Concept of axes plane and quadrant.
- Orthographic projections
- Method of first angle and third angle projections (definition and difference)
- Symbol of 1st angle and 3rd angle projection
12. Orthographic Projection from Isometric Projection
13. Reading of Fabrication Drawing
1. Trade Related Sign & Symbol
- Alternating Current
- Drawing of simple electrical circuit using electrical symbols.
- Drawing of sine square & triangular waves.
- Diagram of battery charging circuit.
- Practice in reading typical example of circuit containing R, L & C.
- Reading of electrical drawing.
2. Electronic Components
- Symbols for electronic components. Diode, Transistor, Zener diode, SCR, UJT, FET, IC, Diac, Triac, MOSFET, IGBT etc.
- Drawing of half wave, Full wave and Bridge rectifier circuit.
- Drawing circuit for a single stage Amplifiers and Multi stage Amplifies and types of signals.
- Drawing of circuit containing UJT, FET & Simple power control circuits.
- Free hand drawing of Logic gates and circuits.
3. Electric Wirings and Earthing
- Detailed diagram of calling bell and Buzzers etc.
- Free hand sketching of Staircase wiring.
- Drawing the schematic diagram of plate and pipe earthing.
- Diagram for electroplating from A.C / D.C source.
4. DC Machines
- Graphic symbols for Rotating machines.
- Sketching of brush and brush gear of D.C. machines.
- Sketching of D.C. 3-point and 4-point starter .
- Layout arrangement of D.C. Generators & motors, control panel.
- Exercises on connection to motors through Ammeter, voltmeter & K.W. meters of electrical wiring diagram.
- Drawing the schematic diagram of D.C. motor speed control by Thyristor / DC Drive.
5. Transformer
- Graphic symbols for Transformers.
- Free hand sketching of transformer and auxiliary parts and sectional views.
- Sketching a breather.
- Drawing the diagram of typical marking plate of a distribution transformer.
6. Illumination
- Free hand sketching of Mercury vapour lamp, sodium vapour lamp, fluorescent tube (Single &Twine), MHL lamp and their connection.
7. Three Phase Induction Motor
- Free hand sketching of Slip-ring and Squirrel cage Induction motor.
- Typical wiring diagram for drum controller operation of A.C. wound rotor motor.
- Drawing the schematic diagram of Autotransformer starter, DOL starter and Star Delta Starter.
- Drawing the schematic diagram of A.C. motor speed control by SCR /AC Drive.
8. Alternator
- Tracing of panel wiring diagram of an alternator.
- Drawing the schematic diagram of automatic voltage regulators of A.C. generators.
9. Winding
- Drawing the development diagram for D.C. Simplex Lap and Wave winding with brush position.
- Drawing the development diagram of A.C 3 - Phase, 4 Pole 24 slots single layer winding.
10. Control Panel
- Practice in reading panel diagram.
- Local & Remote control of Induction motor with inching.
- Forward & Reverse operation of Induction motor
- Automatic Star Delta Starter
- Automatic star delta starter with change of direction of rotation
- Sequential control of three motors.
11. Domestic Appliances
- Fire Alarms, Electric Iron, Heater, Electric Kettle, Heater I Immersion Heater, Hot Plate, etc.
12. Distribution of Power
- Types of insulator used in over head line. (Half sectional views)
- Different type of distribution systems and methods of connections.
- Layout diagram of a substation.
- Single line diagram of substation feeders.
इंजीनियरिंग ड्राॅइंग विषय-सूची (chapters) हिन्दी में।
प्रथम वर्ष
- इंजीनियरिंग ड्राॅइंग का परिचय तथा सम्बन्धित उपकरण
- मुक्त-हस्त चित्रण
- ठोस आक्रतियों के मुक्त-हस्त चित्रण (घन, घनाभ, शंकु, प्रिज्म, पिरामिड तथा छिन्नक)
- विभिन्न औजारों के मुक्त-हस्त चित्रण
- सामान्य बन्धकों के मुक्त-हस्त चित्रण
- रेखाएँ
- ज्यामितीय आक्रतियों का आरेखन
- अक्षरांकन एवं अंकांकन
- विमांकन
- ड्राॅइंग शीटों का आकार एवं ले-आउट
- इंजीनियरिंग ड्राॅइंग के प्रदर्शन की विधियाँ
- रूढ़िगत एवं प्रतीकात्मक प्रदर्शन
- प्रक्षेप
- फैब्रिकेशन ड्राॅइंग को पढ़ना
द्वितीय वर्ष
- प्रत्यावर्ती धारा
- इलेक्ट्रॉनिक अवयव
- वैधुतिक वायरिंग एवं अर्थिंग
- डी सी मशीनें
- ट्रांसफाॅर्मर
- प्रदीप्ति
- ३-फेज प्रेरण मोटर
- आल्टरनेटर
- वाइण्डिंग
- कण्ट्रोल पैनल
- घरेलू उपकरण
- शक्ति वितरण
हमें उम्मीद है कि हमारे द्वारा प्रदान की गई जानकारी पूर्णता हां सही है। अगर इस से रिलेटेड आपका कोई भी प्रश्न हो, तो हमें कमेंट के माध्यम से जरूर बताएं। हम इसे हल करने की पूर्णता कोशिश करेंगे। - धन्यवाद
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Thanks for reading: इंजीनियरिंग ड्राॅइंग (ENGINEERING DRAWING) SYLLABUS 2021 हिन्दी और English में ।, Sorry, my English is bad:)